Tuesday 15 January 2013

Canterbury Cathedral

At the Temple right now we are training another couple to be Baptistry Co-ordinators. This is another first for us to be trainers. In Crawley Ward this past Sunday Elder Kiddle gave the priesthood lesson in High Priests Group which involved a lot of preparation and which was very rewarding. We continue to thrill in our service in the Temple.

For our day off yesterday we were able to visit Canterbury Cathedral, parts of which date back to 1070 AD. The workmanship is excellent. It contains the coffin of King Henry the IV which was very interesting as the carved likeness of him on the top of the coffin looked a  lot like King Henry the VIII. There were many beautiful stained glass windows which we have always enjoyed when visiting old Churches. Also we walked around what they call the Crypt in the lower level of the Cathedral. Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures in the Crypt as it is regarded as very sacred. To our amazement we found a prayer roll desk in the Crypt with instructions that said that the prayers deposited there would be placed on the Altar at a certain time each day.

The part of the city surrounding the Cathedral was also a lot of fun to explore. We had lunch at a Pizza Hut. It was like we were back in Calgary inside the restaurant. The shops and stores were different from those in Calgary and many unique items were available which we would have loved to buy if we weren't on a mission. It was fun window shopping.

Here are a few of the pictures we took: